Lafayette Elementary

Lafayette Elementary School


About Lafayette Elementary School

The first school near the Admiral district in West Seattle was Freeport School, which operated in the early 1870s in the sawmill community of Freeport Duwamish Head. The next school in the area east of Alki was Haller School, which opened in 1892. The portable schoolhouse measured 26 feet by 40 feet and was built on 0.21 acres donated by G. Morris Haller at what is now 2123 47th Avenue SW.

In 1893, a new building was constructed by West Seattle School District No. 73 to replace Haller School and handle the growing West Seattle school population. West Seattle School resembled a castle, with a tall bell tower and tiny spires at the corners of the roof. The school opened with just 20 students in a single classroom. It was also called the Brick School or West Seattle Central School because it served all of West Seattle. A high school was started there in 1902 under Principal W.T. Campbell, and so it was sometimes called West Seattle Grammar and High School. More information about the Lafayette Building.

Learn about the History of Lafayette.

Lafayette is a GREAT Place to Learn and Grow

Principal: Cindy Chaput

Students, staff, parents and community are working to create a school where all of us are learning and stretching our expectations together, every day. We are committed to providing a child centered education in which all children will be successful. We work together to provide an exciting, positive, productive and safe learning environment.

We encourage you to visit our school and classrooms, to take advantage of our PTA-sponsored evening activities, to eat lunch in our cafeteria and to check out books from our library.

As partners in education, we welcome you as a volunteer, committee member and an advocate for your child. With your support, encouragement, and enthusiasm, this school will continue to be one of the finest public schools in Seattle.

Principal: Cindy Chaput