Lafayette Leopard Look Out
Lafayette Leopard Look Out
- Message from the Principal
- Message from the Assistant Principal
- Music Update from Mr. Payne
- Physical Education
- Fine Arts
- Multilingual Families
- Counselor’s Corner
- Health Room News
- Library News
- Important Dates
- Raise your voice for education statewide rally for pubic school funding at the capitol.
- WSHS Softball Clinic
Message from the Principal
Dear Lafayette Community,
Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed our winter break and spending time with family. 2025 is starting out busy with lots happening here. We will be having winter testing at the end of this month, so look for your dates for your child in your teacher newsletter.
It is a cold time of year so please be sure that your child has a coat for recess. We will have outdoor recess every day. The only time we do not go out for recess, is when the rain is blowing sideways, and it is raining hard. So, it is important that all students are ready to be outside.
This month we will be closed on Monday, January 20th in celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. We will also have an assembly around this date for the students. Don’t forget that we will continue to dismiss at 1:10pm on Wednesdays.
Please email me at or call at 206-252-9505 if you have any questions of concerns.
Principal at Lafayette
Message from the Assistant Principal
Happy 2025! I hope you had a relaxing winter holiday and are feeling refreshed as we return to school. We are excited to welcome everyone back and look forward to reconnecting with our students.
As we settle back in, our focus will be on reinforcing routines to ensure a smooth transition. We are continuing to focus on recess safety. Expectations are to keep games “no contact” so that everyone can have fun and participate. We continue to stress that if students are having a conflict with a peer, they should ask the peer to stop and get help from an adult if needed.
Given that this is a wet and cold time of year, I will second Principal Chaput and kindly remind families to send their children with winter coats and, if possible, keep a change of clothes at school. We really do try to go outside unless it is absolutely horrible out!
I understand that the holidays can be challenging for many students and their families. If you are experiencing hardship or are in need of assistance, please reach out to myself or Kenna Hart
Thank you for your continued support and collaboration.
In partnership,
Tom Baisden, M.Ed.
Assistant Principal
206-252-9540 (office)
206-713-8052 (cell)
Music Update from Mr. Payne
Hello Lafayette community!
In music, we have been working on a variety of musical ideas, rhythmic and melodic practice, and instrument playing. We have also been traveling the world to different countries to learn about the culture and the music from the area. This month we will be learning about Japan! We have also had a great time learning about the different styles of music and a variety of new instruments. As we step into the month of January, we are transitioning into a new area of music. We will be learning and discussing new musical terms that affect the speed of a piece of music, building on our rhythmic and melodic practices with new symbols, while diving into the messages and ideas by Martin Luther King Jr. and how we can connect his ideas to the music we learn during class.
If you have any questions, please email me at
Thank you for all your help and support!
-Mr. Payne
Physical Education
Hello Wonderful Lafayette Community,
In January we will practice basketball skills and learn net sports such as pickleball and volleyball. Some of the games we play to develop basketball skills include Bubble / Bump, Dribble Tag, Around the world, and Horse. During our net sports unit, we will learn how to serve, keep score, rotate, and many other ways to practice and play net sports.
We are still searching for parents interested in coaching and volunteering for Ultimate. We had a third-grade team last year but are planning to expand to have a third, fourth, and fifth grade team. Please e-mail me if you are interested in helping the Ultimate team expand!
The Family Challenge this month is to walk or run with your family 3 to 5 times per week.
Thank you,
Shawn Cudney
Physical Education Specialist
Monday- Friday (8:00 am – 3:30 pm)| Book an appointment
Lafayette Elementary School | SPS | Seattle, WA
Fine Arts
Hello Lafayette families,
I hope this new year is off to a good start for everyone. I’m looking forward to the many projects I have planned with my students. I am creating a new project that will include positive and negative space using masking off. My kindergarten and first grade students will need to get started on learning about primary colors and mixing secondary colors with paint. My third and fifth grade students will soon begin their clay projects.
I am so happy with the amazing Art my students have created so far this school year! I hope the many clay projects for grades K-2 and fourth grade made it home safely. I will continue to work on writing artist statements with students, art and artist statements for work that was begun before break should be finished and sent home soon. I have been really impressed by the writing skills of my young students (this project was for first and second grades).
Happy New Year!
Mrs. Bajaj
Multilingual Families
I am Traci Hogrefe, our school’s multilingual learner teacher. You may see me around school helping all students and families at our school.
Please connect with me if you are interested in our newsletters that are sent out. Many of the topics that we cover in the newsletter can be helpful to any new family in the area or to Seattle Public Schools. Please reach out to me so I can add you to our distribution list.
Families, beginning in October, we will have time allotted after dropping off your student where I invite families into our classroom in P-33 on Thursdays from 8:00-8:30 AM. I am here to help understand (while I learn as well) the school system, curricula, and even extra-curricular activities offered by our school, PTA, and around our city here in Seattle. I will make another announcement before we start, but families have found the information resourceful, and I invite you to come whether you’re a multilingual family or not.
Here are some helpful resources:
The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) at Lafayette is another support that helps you get involved in the community. They are a wonderful resource and offer scholarships as well as connections to community events and activities. You do not need to join as a member to receive newsletters or be part of activities. Please let me know if you need support.
English Language Arts (ELA)
In 2016, Seattle Public Schools adopted English language arts instructional materials created by Center for the Collaborative Classroom for reading and writing instruction in grades Kindergarten – 5th. This includes reading, writing, and oral communication. This all happens in the classroom.
Mathematics (Math)
enVision Math 2020 Common Core has been adopted as the K-5 math instructional material starting in the 2022-23 school year. Students can access SavvasRealize, the digital content for enVision, through the Seattle Public Schools student portal (Clever). Here is Seattle enVision Community Support Video
Need support understanding your child’s math? Go to Bounce Pages and aim your camera at their schoolwork.
You can find videos in English and in Spanish to support your understanding of what they are learning.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
At Lafayette, we use several programs to support Social Emotional Learning, including:
Learn more about Social Emotional Learning at Seattle Public Schools
We use amplify science curriculum.
Besides classroom assessments, we also have district and state assessments. Information about assessments at Seattle Public schools.
Have a great school year!
Traci Hogrefe (pronounce)
Multilingual Teacher & Interventionist
Multilingual at Seattle Public Schools
Lafayette & Alki Elementary Schools | Seattle Public Schools
Counselor’s Corner
Welcome Back and Happy New Year Lafayette Families! I hope that you had a wonderful winter break and are ready to jump back into learning!
We hope you will join us for SEL Night at Lafayette on Tuesday, January 28th from 5-6:30 pm! We are excited to host a Parent Night focused on Social Emotional Learning (SEL), where families will have the opportunity to choose 2 sessions out of the 4 interactive SEL sessions we will be offering.
Schedule for the Evening: 5:00-5:30 PM: Pizza – Enjoy a casual dinner and connect with other Lafayette families. 5:30-5:55 PM: Session 1 – Attend your first session of choice. 6:00-6:25 PM: Session 2 – Attend your second session of choice.
Sessions Offered:
Second Step: Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset This workshop delves into the concept of a Growth Mindset—the belief that abilities can be developed through effort and learning—versus a Fixed Mindset, where people believe their abilities are static. Learn how you can help children develop a growth mindset and approach challenges with confidence.
RULER Introduction: Mood Meter and Meta Moment This session introduces the RULER approach, focusing on the Mood Meter, a tool to help individuals recognize and understand their emotions. Additionally, participants will explore the Meta Moment, which offers strategies for managing emotions effectively in challenging situations.
Positive Discipline: Introduction for Families This session focuses on the Positive Discipline approach, which emphasizes mutual respect, encouragement, and effective discipline strategies that promote healthy child development. We will share practical tools to address common family challenges.
Conflict Resolution Workshop This workshop will explore techniques and strategies for resolving conflicts in a constructive manner. Parents will learn how to guide their children in resolving disputes peacefully and creating solutions that build empathy and respect.
If you have any questions, or if I can support your child or family in any way, please reach out! My email address is
Kenna Hart, School Counselor
Health Room News
My name is Alison Angell, and I am the school nurse at Lafayette Elementary for this school year. I am at Lafayette on Tuesdays and alternating Wednesdays/Fridays. Please call or email me if you have any health concerns for your child.
Health Office: 206-252-9507
Email: For urgent concerns please call the main office: 206-252-9500.
Hearing Screenings
Students in grades K, 1, 2, 3 & 5 will have their annual mandated hearing screenings during January and February. If you have any questions about your child’s hearing, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Stay Home when Sick
Please remind students to wash their hands and cover their coughs!
Call or email the school attendance line 206-252-9502 or and keep your child home when they show signs of:
- Fever (100.4 or higher) or chills (can return to school with no fever within the past 24 hours without medication)
- Cough (new, changed, or worsening)
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea, vomiting, or Diarrhea (can return to school if no vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours)
- Unknown rash
Updated guidance on Respiratory Illness from SPS, including advise on when to return to school.
Department of Health information about Flu, including Flu and Covid vaccine information.
Being fully immunized is important to keep all our students and staff safe and healthy. Some immunizations are required for continued attendance at school. Students may be excluded if their immunizations are not up to date.
If you received a letter from Seattle Public School’s Health Services letting you know that your student’s immunization status was ‘conditional,’ meaning your student is missing required vaccinations to attend school, please help us update your records. You can provide the missing immunization information directly to your school nurse.
Seattle Public Schools uses the Washington state Immunization Information System (WAIIS) to track a student’s compliance. Access this immunization registry.
Head Lice Information
Please help keep lice from spreading at school! Be sure to check your student for any signs/symptoms of lice infestation and see this important information:
- Signs & Symptoms – itching, tickling feeling of something moving in the hair, live lice and eggs (nits) attached to hair roots, sores or scratch marks on head caused by scratching.
- Transmission – direct head-to-head contact or via personal articles (hats, combs, clothing, etc.). Lice cannot jump, hop or fly, and cannot live away from a human host.
- What to Do if Lice Present – Notify School (and parents of friends your child might have had close contact with), begin treatment, and continue to come to school.
- Resources – There are drugstore over-the-counter products as well as lice salons that remove lice. Whichever route you choose, be sure to be vigilant and follow all instructions. Getting rid of lice often involves more than one treatment. Helpful information about lice from Seattle Children’s Hospital.
Alison Angell, MSN, RN (she/her)
School Nurse, Health Services
Lafayette Elementary
Tuesdays, alt. Wednesdays, alt. Fridays, 7:30-3pm
Phone: 206-252-9507, Main Office: 206-252-9500, Fax: 206-252-9501
Alki Elementary
Alt. Wednesdays, Thursdays 7:30-3pm
Phone: 206-252-9057, Main Office: 206-252-9050, Fax: 206-252-9051
Library News
The Scholastic Book Fair was a great success! Every classroom received books, and I was busy purchasing $1400 worth of books from the Book Fair to fill our library shelves. An additional $2500 still remains to purchase books from other publishers. A special thank you for the donations made to the Lafayette Book Fairy. The Book Fairy fund was able to provide 47 students with books using funds given. Thanks to all our families, Book Fair volunteers, and students for supporting our Library Fund Raiser!
The 4th & 5th graders have been busy reading & studying the 8 titles in this District Wide Event. Lafayette has 7-Global Reading Teams this year. They are preparing to test their book knowledge for the Quiz Bowl on Wednesday, Feb. 5th from 8:15-9:15 in the lunchroom.
The winning Team will advance to the Semi-Final Round. The Semi-Final Round is set for Friday, March 14th from 10:30-11:45 at the Downtown Public Library.
Linda Nakagawa, School Librarian
Important Dates
- Tuesday, Jan. 14th – School Tour / Open House 8:00 am
- Friday, Jan. 17th – MLK Jr. Assembly
- grades K-2 8:15 am
- grades 3-5 9:15 am
- Monday, Jan. 20th – MLK Jr. Day – No School
- Tuesday, Jan. 21st – PTA Winter Enrichment Begins
- Wednesday, Jan. 22nd – Taproot “Rocks” Assembly
- Friday, Jan. 24th – PTA Family Dance 6:00 pm
- Sunday, Jan. 26th – PTA Harlem Globe Trotters
- Tuesday, Jan. 28th – School Tour / Open House 4:00 pm
- Tuesday, Jan. 28th – SEL 5:00 pm
- Tuesday, Feb. 4th – PTA Game Night 6:30 pm
- Thursday, Feb. 6th – Madison MS Open House 6:30 pm
- Sunday, Feb. 9th – West Seattle High School Softball Clinic @SWAC upper field 8:30 am
Raise your voice for education statewide rally for pubic school funding at the capitol.
Ways to get involved:
- Attend the Rally: Show your support in person!
- Carpool: Need a ride or have extra space? Scan the QR code to join the carpool matchmaker!
- Meet with Legislators: Schedule a meeting directly with your representatives (contact info below).
- Leave a Note: Leave a personal note at your public officials legislative office! Tell them why public school funding is important to you!
Contact your Representative:
- Rep. Emily Alvarado: Email Legislative Assistant Katie Lewis at
- Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon
- Senator Joe Nguyen: Email Legislative Assistant Nicole Lutomski at
We look forward to seeing you there!
Together, we can make a difference for our schools!
Lafayette Parents for Public Schools
January 30th, 10am-11am
Tivoili Fountain
Capitol Campus Olympia
Join us 9:45 on the Capitol Steps!
Carpool Matchmaker
Bring Students!
Student absences are excused by SPS!
WSHS Softball Clinic
February 9, 2025
Beginners: 8:30-10:00 am
Advanced: 10:15-11:45 am
Learn skills in fielding and hitting from WSHS softball players