Lafayette Leopard Look Out

Lafayette Leopard Look Out

Message from the Principal
Dear Lafayette Community,
I hope that you enjoyed the mid-winter break with your family and friends! We are very busy at Lafayette and glad that the weather has changed so that students can enjoy their recess in the warm weather. March is a busy month with many classes going on field trips and doing curriculum embedded assessments. Please check your child’s teacher schedule on when your student will be completing these.
This past week students came home with lanyards with a School Store paperwork in them. This is a fundraiser by the school and it is not affiliated with the PTA. You may choose to participate or not. For families that decide to participate, they will register and get a code that will allow them to receive a prize which is a stuffed animal book hugger. This program was researched and other schools are doing it as well. From the feedback I have received, I know that many of you are not happy, and we will not be participating in the future. Thank you again for the feedback.
I am in the process of staffing and budgeting for the 25-26 school year. You will be receiving forms regarding your child’s placement for next year, and I appreciate them back by Spring Break which is April 14th-18th. Please indicate on the forms your child’s learning style and please do not select a teacher. Staff will be working on classroom placement in May. Know that your input is valued in this process. We really appreciate all the support you give to Lafayette.
We will begin state testing in grades 3-5 for the Smarter Balance Assessment (SBA) in April. They are going to be participating in the SBA and will also have the spring MAP. Please make sure that your student is getting their sleep, fed a healthy breakfast and knows to do their best. Remember that we do have a breakfast program available to all students starting at 7:35am every morning.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 206-252-9500 or
Cynthia Chaput, EdD
Principal at Lafayette
Message from the Assistant Principal
Happy March!
This is always a busy time of year, and we have loads of fun things happening around Lafayette! Please check your teacher newsletters for more information!
Please consider a trip by the school lost and found rack as it is filling up very quickly! I also encourage you to put student names in clothing items. This makes it much easier for items to make their way home!
I also encourage you to think about who is on your emergency contact list as an approved person to pick up your child. In the event of an emergency, we can only release students to people named on that list.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns at 252-9540 or .
Thank you!
Tom Baisden, M.Ed.
Vice-Principal at Lafayette
Music Update from Mr. Payne
Hello Lafayette!
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!
We will begin the month of March with continuing to practice our songs in preparation for the end of the year concerts for each grade. I will be sending out more details about when and where the concerts will be soon!
Also, the students have been working on a variety of new musical ideas. We are learning new music symbols to add to our rhythmic and melodic practice, developing an even better and more in-depth understanding of what music is.
K-2 will also be getting into combination instrument playing with a variety of percussion instruments.
3-5 will continue their learning on ukuleles.
If you have any questions, please email me at
Thank you for all your help and support!
-Mr. Payne
Physical Education
Hello Wonderful Lafayette Community,
We just finished our second round of fitness measurements this week! I will send grades 3-5 home with a page comparing their measurements from the beginning of the year to this most recent set. Compare the sets of measurements and make some goals together with your children for our end of the year set of fitness measurements! Remember the goal is to promote a health enhancing lifestyle as we grow older and we should always be striving for moderate improvements in all of our areas of fitness.
The next two months will be logistically intensive! We go from our Cirque du Lafayette unit to bicycle unit. Any students that want to practice Unicycles during the Cirque unit, should bring their bicycle helmet from home on PE days. This goes for K-5 during the bicycle unit as well. When Cascade Bicycle Club brings their equipment for our students in grades 3-5, we will also be doing a Strider Bike unit with grades K-2.
This month, focus on staying hydrated and getting enough sleep. Consider turning all screens off at least 30 minutes before bedtime!
Thank you,
Shawn Cudney
Physical Education Specialist
Monday- Friday (8:00 am – 3:30 pm)| Book an appointment
Lafayette Elementary School | SPS | Seattle, WA
Fine Arts
Dear Lafayette Families,
In Art we have many projects per grade level. I will be holding onto one project from each of my students to display. Also, in the kiln are third and fifth grade clay projects that will need to be glazed and fired again.
Kindergarten is working on scissor and drawing skills. Today we drew coils (snakes) and cut along the coil lines to practice scissor skills. There are more such projects to come.
My first-grade students are working on a layered drawing with clear foreground, midground and background. The hope is that the space designated “sky” shrinks and they fill their paper with drawing. Soon I will also introduce watercolor paints.
My second and third grade students are drawing cityscapes that fill the frame of very large papers. They are so creative as the city’s can be realistic or fantastical. In the art sessions to come, we will add color using a variety of tools.
Fourth and fifth grade students are choosing to take their layered drawings or perspective drawings to the next level with shading, use of scale and angles. I have a series of shading using value lessons ahead of us and hope that students begin to apply these new skills to their art.
If you have any shoeboxes to donate to the Art program, we need shoeboxes!
Mrs. Bajaj
Multilingual Families
I am Traci Hogrefe, our school’s multilingual learner teacher. You may see me around school helping all students and families at our school.
Please connect with me if you are interested in our newsletters that are sent out. Many of the topics that we cover in the newsletter can be helpful to any new family in the area or to Seattle Public Schools. Please reach out to me so I can add you to our distribution list.
We are completing WIDA testing during the month of March. Families participating in WIDA testing will receive results in the mail in the summer. After testing is completed, our program will be back working with students, families, and teachers. You will receive a message when we begin our “Hello Thursdays” support for families on Thursday mornings. Happy spring!
Here are some helpful resources:
The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) at Lafayette is another support that helps you get involved in the community. They are a wonderful resource and offer scholarships as well as connections to community events and activities. You do not need to join as a member to receive newsletters or be part of activities. Please let me know if you need support.
English Language Arts (ELA)
In 2016, Seattle Public Schools adopted English language arts instructional materials created by Center for the Collaborative Classroom for reading and writing instruction in grades Kindergarten – 5th. This includes reading, writing, and oral communication. This all happens in the classroom.
Mathematics (Math)
enVision Math 2020 Common Core has been adopted as the K-5 math instructional material starting in the 2022-23 school year. Students can access SavvasRealize, the digital content for enVision, through the Seattle Public Schools student portal (Clever). Here is Seattle enVision Community Support Video
Math Information in Vietnamese
Need support understanding your child’s math? Go to Bounce Pages and aim your camera at their schoolwork.
You can find videos in English and in Spanish to support your understanding of what they are learning.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
At Lafayette, we use several programs to support Social Emotional Learning, including:
Learn more about Social Emotional Learning at Seattle Public Schools
We use amplify science curriculum.
Besides classroom assessments, we also have district and state assessments. Information about assessments at Seattle Public schools.
Have a great school year!
Traci Hogrefe (pronounce)
Multilingual Teacher & Interventionist
Multilingual at Seattle Public Schools
Lafayette & Alki Elementary Schools | Seattle Public Schools

Counselor’s Corner
Hello Lafayette Families!
I just started my second round of free Positive Discipline parenting classes. I love teaching these classes and I love that my job to support staff, students AND their families.
You may be wondering, what is Positive Discipline? Positive Discipline is a parenting program designed to teach young people to become responsible, respectful, and resourceful members of their communities. The program teaches important social and life skills in a manner that is deeply respectful and encouraging for both children and adults. Parenting with Positive Discipline means being kind and firm at the same time, which is effective long-term and helps children feel a connection — a sense of belonging and significance (PD website).
Positive Discipline is full of great catch phrases that are easy to remember and tool cards that have a lot of impact. One of my favorites is “children do better when they feel better – and so do you.” Think about a time you have been flooded and no amount of talking would help calm you down. Now think what would (or maybe did) happen when someone simply gave you a hug. You relax. Let your guard down, melt even – that bid for connection helps you regulate your emotions and see you are not alone. Click here for more information and tool card on the power of HUGS.
Switching gears, I will have Safeway gift cards available at the beginning of April through a program called the Right Now Needs Fund. If your family is experiencing food instability, and you would like to be considered for a gift card, please send me an email ASAP. I will be applying for these gift cards on Monday, March 10th.
If you have any questions, or if I can support your child or family in any way, please reach out! My email address is I am at Lafayette on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesday mornings. Our additional new school counselor, Kristin Dickerson is available on Wednesday mornings, Thursdays and Fridays. Kristin’s email address is
Kenna Hart, School Counselor
Health Room News
Hello! My name is Alison Angell, and I am the school nurse at Lafayette Elementary for this school year. I am at Lafayette on Tuesdays and alternating Wednesdays/Fridays. Please call or email me if you have any health concerns for your child. Health Office: 206-252-9507; Email: For urgent concerns please call the main office: 206-252-9500.
Clothes for the Health Office
We are in need of gently used or new leggings, sweatpants, and socks for the health office. We have been quickly running though these items on these wet days and can use all sizes, especially larger sizes 10-12. Thank you!
Hearing Screenings
Students in grades K, 1, 2, 3 & 5 will continue their annual hearing screenings in March. If you have any questions about your child’s hearing, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Stay Home when Sick
Please remind students to wash their hands and cover their coughs!
Call or email the school attendance line (206-252-9502 or lafayette.attendance@seattleschools.or) and keep your child home when they show signs of:
- Fever (100.4 or higher) or chills (can return to school with no fever within the past 24 hours without medication)
- Cough (new, changed, or worsening)
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea, vomiting, or Diarrhea (can return to school if no vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours)
- Unknown rash
For updated guidance on Respiratory Illness from SPS, including advise on when to return to school, please see
For Department of Health information about Flu, including Flu and Covid vaccine information, please see
Being fully immunized is important to keep all our students and staff safe and healthy. Some immunizations are required for continued attendance at school. Students may be excluded if their immunizations are not up to date.
If you received a letter from Seattle Public School’s Health Services letting you know that your student’s immunization status was ‘conditional,’ meaning your student is missing required vaccinations to attend school, please help us update your records. You can provide the missing immunization information directly to your school nurse.
Seattle Public Schools uses the Washington state Immunization Information System (WAIIS) to track a student’s compliance. You may access this immunization registry here:
Head Lice Information
Please help keep lice from spreading at school! Be sure to check your student for any signs/symptoms of lice infestation and see this important information:
• Signs & Symptoms – itching, tickling feeling of something moving in the hair, live lice and eggs (nits) attached to hair roots, sores or scratch marks on head caused by scratching.
• Transmission – direct head-to-head contact or via personal articles (hats, combs, clothing, etc.). Lice cannot jump, hop or fly, and cannot live away from a human host.
• What to Do if Lice Present – Notify School (and parents of friends your child might have had close contact with), begin treatment, and continue to come to school.
• Resources – There are drugstore over-the-counter products as well as lice salons that remove lice. Whichever route you choose, be sure to be vigilant and follow all instructions. Getting rid of lice often involves more than one treatment. For helpful information about lice from Seattle Children’s Hospital:
Alison Angell, MSN, RN (she/her)
School Nurse, Health Services
Regional School Nurse Coordinator
Cell Phone: 206-639-8782
Lafayette Elementary
Tuesdays, alt. Wednesdays, alt. Fridays, 7:30-3pm
Phone: 206.252.9507, Main Office: 206.252.9500, Fax: 206.252.9501
Alki Elementary
Alt. Wednesdays, Thursdays 7:30-3pm
Phone: 206.252.9057, Main Office: 206.252.9050, Fax: 206.252.9051
Library News
NEW DATE! The 4th & 5th graders have been busy reading & studying the 8 titles in this District Wide Event. Lafayette has 7-Global Reading Teams this year. They are preparing to test their book knowledge for the Quiz Bowl on FRIDAY, MARCH 7th from 8:15-9:15 in the lunchroom.
The winning Team will advance to the Semi-Final Round. The Semi-Final Round is set for Friday, March 14th from 10:30-11:45 at the Downtown Public Library.
Author Illustrator Devin Kurtz will be visiting Lafayette on Thursday, March 13th to discuss her book The Bakery Dragon!

The heroic tale of a tiny dragon with a heart of gold and taste for treats. A scrumptious picture book for fans of funny fairytales & fantastic beasts.
Complete & return the order form for you own autographed copy for $21

The K-2nd graders are participating in the Washington Children’s Choice Picture Book Award (WCCPBA) by listening to a variety of books and will be voting for their favorite. Click the link to view Presenting this years Washington Children’s Choice Picture Book Award nominees presenting this year’s nominees. Using these books students will explore and learn about a variety of topics and genres. We are currently learning about Biographies and discovered why pianist Mahani Teave is a special person to know about creating the Rapa Nui School of Music & Arts.
In Partnership,
Linda Nakagawa
School Librarian
Important Dates
- Wednesday, March 5th – Kindergarten field trip to The Seattle Children’s Theatre
- Thursday, March 6th – Madison Middle School Open House 6:30-8pm
- Sunday, March 9th – Daylight Saving Time Begins
- Thursday, March 13th – 5th grade field trip to The Washington State Capitol in Olympia
- Friday, March 14th – GRC Quiz Bowl Semi-Final at The Seattle Public Library Downtown
- Thursday, March 20th – First Day of Spring
- Friday, March 21st – 1st grade field trip to The Pacific Science Center
- Tuesday, April 1st – 3rd grade field trip to The Burke Museum
- April 14th – 18th – Spring Break – No School
- Tuesday, April 22nd – Class Group Photo