Lafayette Elementary


Lafayette Leopard Look Out

Lafayette Leopard Look Out

Message from the Principal

Welcome Back! I hope all enjoyed the beautiful summer and had lots of time to spend with family and friends. Our beginning has been wonderful! I want to thank our PTA for the great work that was done on the playground, the installation of the safety screens on the windows and the sensory pathway. All of these have been helpful to all students. 

We have so many things to look forward to this year. On October 18th is our first PTA event which is the Move-A-Thon. This is a great event that supports our tutors, classroom supplies, assemblies, etc. If you have not had the chance to join the PTA, go their website and do it! The classrooms are having a contest to see which one wins by having the most members. The website is

Students are settling into the routines and expectations of their classroom. We are having our first assembly on October 2nd and it should be fun for everyone. There are lots of things happening, so please check your child’s teacher’s newsletters. 

I am so looking forward to a wonderful year! As I have observed in the classrooms, I see lots of learning. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 206-252-9500 or stop by my office.



Message from the Assistant Principal

Greetings Lafayette community,

Welcome back to school! It has been great to see everyone again! We had a wonderful first week of school, and it was fantastic to welcome our Kindergarten students on Monday!

As we begin the year, we will be focusing on establishing routines and expectations. I’m also happy to announce that we will be introducing monthly assemblies to reinforce those routines and expectations throughout the year. Given the number of students, we will hold separate assemblies for K-2 and 3-5.

Please mark your calendars for Curriculum Night on September 24 from 5:30 to 6:30 PM, with an earlier start time of 5 PM for kindergarten.

Please review the back-to-school forms carefully, especially the parent contact information and the individuals designated to pick up your child from school. In the event of an emergency, this information is crucial for ensuring your student is released only to authorized individuals, and we cannot release the student to anyone else. If you want a trusted neighbor or another parent to be able to pick up your child that adult needs to be designated as an emergency contact.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Thank you!

Tom Baisden, M.Ed. (he, him) 

Assistant Principal

Lafayette Elementary

206-252-9540 (office)

206-713-8052 (cell)   

Music Update from Mr. Payne


Welcome back Lafayette!

I hope everyone had a wonderful summer! It has been a blast hearing about all the fun things that the students were excited to share about their summer break!

As we swing back into the new school year, it has been wonderful getting back into the routine of music learning and planning for the year! 

We have a lot to look forward to this year and I know the students are excited to get started on a lot of these things! Such as instrument playing and singing!

If you have any questions, please contact me here at

Thank you for all your help and support!

-Mr. Payne

graphic of figures playing sports

Physical Education

Hello Wonderful Lafayette Community,

                        Welcome to Physical Education at Lafayette Elementary! My name is Shawn Cudney, and this is my sixth year being the PE teacher for our school. PE here is a health and fitness-based program where all our Lafayette Leopards will learn the skills and confidence, they need to live a healthy and active lifestyle.

            Along with each of my newsletters this year, will be a family fitness challenge for everyone at home to join along with. This month, I want everyone at home to do a progressive plank challenge each week in September. The first week in September, do a 10 second plank each night at home with the family. The second week, do a 15 second plank each night. The third week, do a 20 second plank each night. For the fourth and final week in September, do a 30 second plank each night, holding for up to a full minute for everyone that wants to do extra!

            I’m excited to take this health and fitness journey with you and your families this school year!   

Thank you,

Shawn Cudney


Physical Education Specialist

Monday- Friday (8:00 am – 3:30 pm)| Book an appointment

graphic of a stylized profile of a person with long colorful hair

Fine Arts

Dear Lafayette Families,

Welcome to a new school year! I am so happy to be the Visual Arts teacher at Lafayette and have so many ideas for the new school year. For the first art class of the year, I am listening to my students and taking notes about what they want the Art room to look like, include and feel like. What they need to have a happy year in Art. What projects or art medias they want to do/ use the most. They have shared so many great ideas. Many students are wanting more clay projects, I will put this on my calendar earlier this year so that I can cycle more through the kiln. 

Once our charter discussions are concluded, students will be drawing animals. I have found a vintage (from my elementary school days) book on how to draw animals, that students may use as a reference. I also have a collection of Ranger Rick magazines students can use as reference material or they may draw from their imaginations. I am looking forward to seeing what they create and will showcase these on our art bulletin board before going home.

If you ever want to contact me, I can be reached by e-mail at

I look forward to a fabulous school year! 


Mrs. Bajaj

multilingual families - Hello in many languages

Multilingual Families

Welcome (back) to Lafayette!

I am Traci Hogrefe, our school’s multilingual learner teacher. You may see me around school helping all students and families at our school.

Please connect with me if you are interested in our newsletters that are sent out. Many of the topics that we cover in the newsletter can be helpful to any new family in the area or to Seattle Public Schools. Please reach out to me so I can add you to our distribution list.

Families, beginning in October, we will have time allotted after dropping off your student where I invite families into our classroom in P-33 on Thursdays from 8:00-8:30 AM. I am here to help understand (while I learn as well) the school system, curricula, and even extra-curricular activities offered by our school, PTA, and around our city here in Seattle. I will make another announcement before we start, but families have found the information resourceful, and I invite you to come whether you’re a multilingual family or not.

Here are some helpful resources:


The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) at Lafayette is another support that helps you get involved in the community. They are a wonderful resource and offer scholarships as well as connections to community events and activities. You do not need to join as a member to receive newsletters or be part of activities. Please let me know if you need support.

English Language Arts (ELA)

In 2016, Seattle Public Schools adopted English language arts instructional materials created by Center for the Collaborative Classroom for reading and writing instruction in grades Kindergarten – 5th. This includes reading, writing, and oral communication. This all happens in the classroom.

Mathematics (Math)

enVision Math 2020 Common Core has been adopted as the K-5 math instructional material starting in the 2022-23 school year. Students can access SavvasRealize, the digital content for enVision, through the Seattle Public Schools student portal (Clever). Here is Seattle enVision Community Support Video

Information in Vietnamese

Information in Spanish

Need support understanding your child’s math? Go to the following browser and aim your camera at their schoolwork.

You can find videos in English and in Spanish to support your understanding of what they are learning.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

At Lafayette, we use several programs to support Social Emotional Learning, including:

Learn more at:


We use amplify science curriculum.


Besides classroom assessments, we also have district and state assessments. Information about these can be found here:

Have a great school year!

Traci Hogrefe (pronounce)


Multilingual Teacher & Interventionist

Lafayette & Alki Elementary Schools | Seattle Public Schools


Welcome to the School Counselor's Corner

Counselor’s Corner

Hello Lafayette Families! Welcome back to school! 😊 This is my 7th year at Lafayette; I am excited to be back as your .5 school counselor. I am also mom to three kids (18, 16 and 14), so I am walking this walk alongside you. I am a big believer (and trained parent educator) of Positive Discipline as a parenting philosophy. Please take the time to read 7 Tips for a Happy, Successful School Year. It is full of great ideas and reminders as we all make this transition back to school.  Please be patient with your child, yourselves, and the school, as we all navigate the start of this school year. 

If I can support your child or family in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach out! As a school counselor, I have many different roles around the school: I meet with students and parents individually, I work with students in small groups, I provide parenting support by teaching parent education workshops, and I also coordinate financial supports for families (food, clothing, etc.)

It is not uncommon for kids (and parents) to experience some “back to school” anxiety. I found this post on Back to School Anxiety from The Child Mind Institute to be helpful. My favorite advice – Listen. Allow your child to share their concerns, validate their feelings, and make plan of support together. The number one thing we can do to support our kids (through anything really) is build a loving, trusting, relationship with them.

I am looking forward to working with the entire Lafayette community this school year. I am at Lafayette on Mondays, Tuesdays, and half day on Wednesdays.  


Kenna Hart, School Counselor

Graphic School Nurse with a nurses cap and a stethescope.

Health Room News

Hello! My name is Alison Angell, and I am the school nurse at Lafayette Elementary for this school year. I am at Lafayette on Tuesdays and alternating Wednesdays/Fridays. Please call or email me if you have any health concerns for your child. Health Office: 206-252-252-9507; Email:

Medication at School

If your child requires medication at school, ask your health provider to complete the appropriate medication authorization form found on the SPS Health Service forms page:  

A medication authorization form is required for ALL medications (including over the counter medications).

  • Each medication requires its own form.
  • Your health care provider must sign form.

All medications must be in their original container with a pharmacy label. Emergency medications must be in the building on or before the first day of school.

Stay Home when Sick.

Please call or email the school attendance line and keep your child home when they show signs of:

  • Fever (100.4 or higher) or chills 
  • Cough (new, changed, or worsening)
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 
  • Fatigue 
  • Muscle or body aches 
  • Sore throat ​
  • Congestion or runny nose ​
  • Nausea, vomiting, or ​Diarrhea 

Vision and Hearing Screening

Every year SPS provides mandated vision and hearing screenings. Students in grades K-5 will begin to receive vision and hearing screening this upcoming week. If your child wears glasses, please send the glasses to school every day so they can use their best vision in the classroom and be prepared for vision screening. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s vision or hearing or want to opt out of screenings, please reach out to Nurse Angell

Alison Angell, MSN, RN (she/her)
School Nurse, Health Services

Lafayette Elementary

Tuesdays, alt. Wednesdays, alt. Fridays, 7:30-3pm

Phone: 206.252.9507, Main Office: 206.252.9500, Fax: 206.252.9501

Alki Elementary

Alt. Wednesdays, Thursdays 7:30-3pm

Phone: 206.252.9057, Main Office: 206.252.9050, Fax: 206.252.9051

library - bookworm reading a book on a stack of books

Library News

Linda Nakagawa

Elementary School Librarian

graphic Put this on your calendar!

Important Dates

  • Tuesday, Sept. 24th – Curriculum Night K-5pm Grade 1-5 5:30pm
  • Thursday, October 10th – Picture retakes
  • Friday, October 11th – State in Service Day – No School
  • Thursday, October 17th – The Great Shake Out Drill
  • Friday, October 18th – Move-A-Thon